Primary Image for Traumaplicity by Amanda Helman

Do You Think Too Much?

Today the lyrics of “If I Only Had a Brain”, the infamous line by Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz popped into my head as I thought all about the brain and emotional regulation.

The funny thing is, that’s exactly what happens when emotions are not regulating.

So, we can relate to the Scarecrow without feeling any shame. Right? Right!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and all of a sudden it’s as if you took a large sip of a 7/11 Slurpee and ….zap. Nodda.

It’s as if the brain shut down. Perhaps, it was a reminder of a previous event. Or something they mentioned. Or a sight, touch, taste, smell, or a sound.

Emotional dysregulation, or emotional freezing, happens just like that. When something happens that jars us into a negative emotional event without warning, our brain goes into flight, fight, freeze, or fawning. Usually, when we feel as if we are not there it is a mix of some or all of these responses.

All humans experience some form of dissociation of seconds. Although, more severe forms of dissociation happen due to traumatic events witnessed or experiences.

In that moment, we may feel embarrassed (it shouldn’t be, but somehow that happens).

Is this ringing a bell? Or, perhaps, reminding you of something that happens with you?

Emotions Need To Release

When we are in a moment and forget something, it is our brain telling us it is time to think and feel. Often, we do everything besides do this and it has to come out at some point.

Tips to Regulate Emotions

1,If you notice you have a “brain freeze”, drink some water. It seems very simple. Yet, this is one of the best ways to help our brain come back to thinking.

2.Take a deep breath out and then in. Taking a deep breath out actually allows the body and brain to relax. Then, we can begin thinking again.

3.Put your feet on the ground or touch your side. Grounding techniques include touching or seeing something around you to keep in the present. This works for all human beings.

4.Sit down and feel. If you are feeling that your body freezes often, sit down, take a breath, and ask yourself, what am I feeling today? What feeling do I give myself permission to feel?

What Happens When I Can’t Feel My Feelings?

You ask a great question. Most people are not sure how to actually identify, feel, process, and release emotions to fully heal.

It is possible! I had no clue until 5 years ago when I went into an even deeper healing process.

The first thing you can do? Be kind to YOU. Healing is a process. You are worth it.

What’s Going On?

If you often feel as if you are on auto-pilot, or burn-out easily, or have a lot of negative thoughts, this can impact how you regulate or feel your emotions.

I get it. I had no clue where to begin over a decade ago and it led to so much “brain freeze” both small and big.

If this is you and you have been going in what feels like circles in your healing process, there is HOPE.

I walk with women, and men, to identify, connect, feel, and release emotions. It is a JOY to watch them feel freedom, peace, hope, and breakthrough their personal and professional relationship and professional goals.

They begin to release old thinking barriers that led to brain freeze and truly live again to the fullest!

It’s time for you to break free of ongoing cycles. You are highly valuable and worth the investment in YOU.

Come join me for breakthrough coaching at

You are loved, you matter, and you are worthy.

Enjoy your week,

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