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Health and Wellness Interview with Javier Sanchez

Javier Sanchez sat down with me for an interview about health and wellness. His information is at the end of this interview. Note: This transcript was written verbatim as it was an informal interview. The podcast is at the end of the transcript.

Episode Description

Welcome to An Apple A Day with Dr. Amanda podcast!

Every week, Dr. Amanda invites guests to speak about a weekly theme. This week, Javier Sanchez, an online and in-person 1:1 fitness coach, actor, and screenwriter, discusses his story that led to his focus on helping himself and others on the fitness journey.

Description of the Episode with Javier Sanchez.

Time Stamps 

2:30: Javi: Health and wellness is such an important part to focus on in life.

2:57: Dr. Amanda: What does health and wellness mean to yo?

3:00: Javi: Health and wellness is trying to execute the best version of yourself through food in body or activities.

4:10: Dr. Amanda: Do you see people see the fruit of it?

4:15 Javi: Yes it may take months to see the fruit of health and wellness. All goals are different to see what to do for weeks and months in advance.

6:10: Dr. Amanda: What is your story of health and wellness?

6:14: Javi: My story will start when I am 15. It took me later to learn the power of nutrition.

9:30: Dr. Amanda and Javi discuss the impact of trauma on the health and wellness journey.

10:11: Javi: It’s almost like having an inner engine and voice thinking, “What can I do that can get me toward my goal?”

11:00: Dr. Amanda: What are tips that are important to you for a healthy lifestyle?

11:05:Javi:  Patience and having nutritional education help clients. The education aspect of healthy lifestyle helps the client.

12:45: Javi asks Dr. Amanda about her health and wellness journey. Patience is definitely a huge part of the journey.

15:10: Javi:  It is the small wins that keep you going.

16:40: Javi: I always go back to thinking, “What’s the alternative? Going back? You already know what that is.”

17:10: Dr. Amanda: Health and Wellness is a mindset and a lifestyle.

18:12:Javi: A training and exercise plan differs for each person asking about what they want to do and what they prefer. It is best to see what works best for your personality and it is not a one size fits all for any individual.

20:30: What was one of your successes working with a client?

20:55: There are so many! This one story is very different. She had the goal of losing weight and a healthier version of herself. She had a brain condition so we worked to adapt her workouts to support her.

22:40: Javi: Goals don’t just have to be for physique but how you live and what goals you want to achieve.

23:45: Dr. Amanda: Is there anything on your journey that stood out to you about your journey?

24:10: Javi: Everything changed after understanding the power of nutrition in terms of executing it to match what I want.

26:00: Dr. Amanda: Are there any resources to recommend to the audience?

26:15: Javi: I would say the top book that I recommend to my clients is Atomic Habits by James Clear.

27: 50: Dr. Amanda: What is one wisdom tip for the audience?

28: 00:  Javi: I would say do what you can to learn when you can. Find areas that you feel you can improve upon. Also, don’t ever give up and educate yourself.

29:00 Dr. Amanda: Giving up-that’s not an option.

29:10: Javi: Follow me on Instagram: @javiersanchez is where I do my onboarding and post content.

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