Why Integrity and Communication Matter
This blog highlights an interview with Dr. Sandra Joseph, an educational leader. One of her recommended book resources and an excerpt of the interview is below. Check out the podcast link following the text to listen to the full interview.
Book Resource
Who Moved My Cheese? By Dr. Spencer Johnson M.D. https://www.amazon.com/Who-Moved-My-Cheese-Mazing-ebook/dp/B004CR6AM4
Connect with Sandra: sjoseph@eastpennsd.org
Timestamps of the Interview with Sandra Joseph (Please note: Written text below is verbatim from the interview except).
1:55: Dr. Amanda: What is transformation?
2:00: Sandra: Transformation is different for everybody and it depends on how you look at it. You transform personally and professionally.
3:00: Dr. Amanda: What are ways that you have experienced transformational leadership to change an environment?
3:07: Sandra: Transformation is all a matter of how you start it. One important part is sitting back and being an observer and listen.
6:35: Dr. Amanda: What does transformational leadership mean to you?
6:37:Sandra: It’s bringing along the team and you professionally developing throughout your career.
11:20: Dr. Amanda: Have you noticed new compassion and new approaches in the educational settings?
11:28: Sandra: Transforming our educational expectations our teachers also have been wonderful with the transitions in the educational setting.
15:37: Dr. Amanda: Have you always been a transformational leader?
15:42: Sandra: I think that comes with maturity and experience.
21:35: Dr. Amanda: Do you have to make difficult decisions even after listening to everyone?
21:45: Sandra: The key word is the approach when listening and talking to staff.
26:15: Dr. Amanda: Is there one lesson that you learned about transformational leadership?
26:20: Sandra: There are many hidden amazing people. I love trying to find them. A lot of work we are doing now is hard work. You imagine that boulder and there are multiple people pushing the boulder up the hill rather than just one.